Thursday, 21 October 2010

Forced Education

I have children that come to my class and have done for several years for no other reason than they have no choice because their parents tell them.

These children are often not interested whatsoever in the lessons, they rarely try to engage and almost never put in any effort either in the classroom or at home. (homework etc)

All of the above doesn't bother me that much, what really pisses me off is when these children disrupt others who are having fun and do try their best and are improving each week.

Parents who send their children to school and cram schools and think that they are doing a good job are well wrong.
If the home is not a good environment to study in, a place where children are comfortable in doing their homework, revising or even pre-studying for an upcoming lesson then it doesn't make much difference what school or cram school you force your children to go to.

Children who see their parents come home and say "I'm tired" or "I can't be bothered to do.. (insert insanely easy task here)" will ultimately repeat these very words and aim the words at things in their own lives.

Don't make your children into the disruptive children of the classrooms, talk to them, do their homework together, make sure they aren't afraid to try, make mistakes!

However, don't bury your children under paper, make sure you have time to play at home, play sports and most importantly of all encourage them to create something, draw, paint, handicrafts anything!

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